Day One: Celebrate Life
Esther 1:9 Queen Vashti also gave a banquet for the women in the royal palace of King Xerxes.
King Xerxes who was reigning over Persia threw a banquet for his nobles, officials and military leaders. After some 180 days he extended another banquet lasting for seven days to the rest of the people in the citadel of Susa where he ruled from. From the description it was an expensive and a beautiful affair and all people from the least to the greatest were invited. The King’s guards were lowered and he was out to enjoy life and display his splendor.
While for king Xerxes it could have been out of affluence, it can help us recap on something we could be slowly losing out in our generation. Celebration of life. Sometimes Christians feel guilty on enjoying life because of associating it with poor stewardship of resources or the wild partying we witness with non-believers. This does not have to be complicated but just simple with the resources that God has endowed us with. The beauty of it is in celebrating milestones, sharing life experiences and building relationships.
Have we become too busy with life that we can’t enjoy God’s blessings with those around and close to us? Now than ever, we are out to amass more and more wealth, to change our status, reach out for promotions and business opportunities. Our calendars have become so packed we have no time for ourselves or even God. Even the norm of sharing a meal together as a family is slowly fading away. We are busy looking for ‘bread’ and no time to enjoy the bread. I am reminded of the story ‘Money Man’ in the book, Half a Day and Short Stories, a set book I did in high school. The man was working very hard, saving every coin and spending none of it. The man’s life was and ended miserably.
Ecclesiastes 2:22-25 records; What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?
Are we being caught up in individualism that is so prevalent in our day? Some of the times I have enjoyed most in life have been occasions over food with family, friends or colleagues. I know it is the same for most of us. Such have also been great moments of relaxation, building each other and encouragement. A time to laugh together for a joyful heart is good medicine. The levels of depression in our time are quite alarming and as God’s children this could even be an avenue for ministry. If we invited our neighbor next door or a friend for dinner, anniversary party, birthday bash and such it could be an opening to encourage a crushed spirit. There is a way fellowship cheers up heavy hearts and lightens mountainous situations.
As we look back at our lives, how can we trust God to help us enjoy our few days in this earth even as we serve Him. Celebrate!!!
Day Two: Blessed to be a blessing
Mordecai was a Jew who had been taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Verse 21 & 20 of chapter 2 indicates that Mordecai used to sit at the King’s gate and from that we can conclude that he was just an ordinary man with a low ranking in the society. The man Mordecai brought Esther up as his own daughter and had best interest at heart for her. As verse 20 chapter 2 records ‘But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she continued to follow Mordecai’s instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up.’ This clearly indicates that he was a wise man and brought up his niece in a good way.
All around us are needy people. They may not necessarily be our relatives. Proverbs 19:7 says; whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done. Sometimes we tend to think that we have more resources than another person because we are smarter, wiser or hard working. This may be true but we are stewards of God’s resources for He is the one who teaches us to make wealth. There is no joy in being rich while surrounded by needy people who we can assist but have chosen not to. Generosity is not only in monetary terms but also with expertise, encouragement, time, labor or even advise. I have heard stories of orphaned children who lived very miserable lives while some of their relatives are well up and have no concern for them. This ought not be so, brethren. We do not need to be filthy rich to be a blessing. If we open our eyes, we will see numerous ways we can be a blessing to God’s people.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Esther is a clear example of the truth in this verse. When she was in the palace, she continued to follow the guidance and instructions given by her uncle when she was growing up. As Christians we ought to be kind to our children when they are growing up and help them know the ways of the Lord. Sometimes we can be caught up in the busyness of life in their formative years and end up regretting when very little can be done.
Dear God we are grateful for your blessings upon us. Open our eyes to people you want us to be a blessing to. Amen.
Day Three; God’s Favor
The Jews, the tribe of Mordecai was staring at their death. Vile Haman had obtained a decree with the king’s signet ring to destroy the Jews. Haman had offered a large sum of money to the royal treasury for the destruction of the Jews. It seemed a sealed case for Mordecai and his people. He requested Esther to approach the king and beg for mercy for her people. Now this was a very risky thing to do because if the king would not extend his golden scepter she would die. Mordecai however would not take that for an excuse as recorded in verse 5:14; For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? This was a sharp rebuke to Esther from his Father figure. She ordered for a three days’ fast for all the Jews and her attendants. God answered and she obtained favor before the king.
Favor can be defined as an unusual act of kindness. There are several other instances God would show His favor for His children when they called to Him. Joseph, Daniel and Nehemiah are great examples of men who obtained favor before kings in foreign nations. Psalms 50: 15 and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. We can turn to God, our heavenly Father, who longs to hear us and He will deliver us. Many a times we get so frustrated to the point of giving up and fail to remember that a great God indwells us and that He is able to help us in our weaknesses. Prayer is a powerful tool that we possess. We can whisper a prayer anywhere anytime, He is listening. God is interested with every aspect of our lives; be it at home, in the work place, when carrying out business, at playgrounds, concerning relationships, He can work circumstances to our advantage.
Are you trying so hard to work out things in your life by your own muscle? Involve your Father and watch Him act on your behalf.
Day Four; Pride comes before a fall
The circumstances under which Haman was honored in chapter 3 are not clear to us. However, it seems to have had a connection to the act of Mordecai revealing an assassination plan for the king. Could it be Haman devised a plan to receive Mordecai’s honor? We can only speculate. Haman was a man full of himself. He had been honored by the king. Queen Esther was now honoring him by inviting him for an exclusive dinner with the king. Verse 5: 13 records that all that gave Mordecai no satisfaction as long as he saw Mordecai still sitting at the King’s gate. His desire for revenge was insatiable. His wife advised him to have a pole fifty cubits high set up and ask the king to have Mordecai impaled on it. He was delighted by the suggestion and he was in to inform the King. Just when the king had been stirred to honor Mordecai, Haman gave a very elaborate plan for the person who the king delighted to honor thinking that it could only be himself. He was in for a rude shock when he had to give the honor described to Mordecai. How things can flip!
It was the beginning of the end for Haman. At this his advisers, were clear that he wouldn’t stand against Mordecai, a Jew before whom his downfall had begun. The situation gets even worse for him when the queen revealed to the king Haman’s plan to kill her people. The climax of it was that Haman was hanged on the same pole he had set for Mordecai. What an end for a man who was once the king’s favorite.
Sometimes we have taken advantage of positions we have held and looked down upon others. We have thought that nothing can make us stumble. We have put trust in knowing the who is who, systems, our expertise, talents or qualifications Just like Haman who looked down upon Mordecai who was a man of low ranking. Have we acted with pride at our work place, amongst our family members and neighbors, amongst our classmates or business colleagues? No situation or position is permanent. Change can happen in a second and someone is left at the mercy of someone who was far lower than them. We do not need to live as if life is a competition. I am a strong believer that we do not need to step down on others so that we may progress in life. God has enough opportunities for all us.
Romans 9: 10, 12, 17, 21 says Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Learning from Jesus, He loved even His enemies and endeavored to do good to all. The Lord lifts the humble and casts the proud to the ground. King Nebuchadnezzar exalted himself, he ate grass for seven years. Sometimes we have gone through painful experiences and we even know the people behind it. We start devising plans for revenge and we end up living in bitterness. It is like holding burning charcoal hoping to throw it to your enemy. The other person has a chance to escape yet you will sustain burns. Trust God to forgive, let go and move on. Leave it to God, He is a better fighter. See what Haman’s advisers said to him in 6: 13, that he would not be able to stand against the God of the Jews who was at work!
Friends, be humble and kind to others. Let no debt remain outstanding except the debt of love. Is your heart heavily burdened? lift your cares to the Lord.
The message is very clear. Have time for God,self and others. Do not deny yourself opportunities to celebrate and experience God, God’s family and God’s works in your life. Am blessed.
Wow. This is profound. Work and allow yourself celebrate God’s provision with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues etc. Am already thinking how to welcome my neighbors during my next little celebration. Maybe it will an opportunity to share God’s love with them.
Amen to the word. Very powerful and timely. I am challenged and blessed at the same time. Enjoy life the godly way! There is need to relax and just enjoy life!
Joy is at play. Jesus, Others and You. Have time for the three so as to experience joy in your life. This is the day that the Lord has made that we rejoice and be glad in it. I am blessed.
Amen. I’m blessed with the devotion.
Amazing exposition. It has made me see this scripture from a different angle. Wow, celebration of life. Thank you for this
Very encouraging.
Esther experienced this unusual kindness because she took the risk. She had faith and that is why she could believe together with the other Jews in God who works behind the scenes to do something.
Amen. It’s great to always involve God and let Him work on our behalf. Am encouraged.
This is powerful. People are suffering with depression in this times and most of them don’ t get such avenues to share with others and just enjoy life.