Main Idea:
Real faith in Jesus produces Authentic deeds.
Main Question:
How well do your actions mirror the faith that you proclaim?
Jewish believers have been scattered all over due to persecution and the difficulties of life have caused them to pick a “counterfeit faith.” They tried to practice a counterfeit faith and they ended up being counterfeit Christians. That is why James comes too strongly on the issue of faith in the most famous passage in his letter (James 2:17 “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead ESV). James is trying to get his readers to see that faith without an accompanying fruit is useless, he seeks to help these believers to see what real faith is like. A further push would be to think, can you have genuine faith in Jesus and fail to produce good works, James says NO.
Day One: Trials and Temptations (James 1)
The Epistle is on practical Christian living
James is writing to a people who are being persecuted (verse 2 n 3). He reiterates that in the journey there will be trials and temptations. No wonder his use of the word “when” (Verse 2)
What ought we to know in our trials and temptations?
To consider the trials we go through with great joy. The natural human response to trials is not to rejoice. Therefore, the believer must make a conscious commitment to face them with joy.
That the trying of our faith produces patience/ endurance. It is through tests; any believer will learn to withstand tenaciously the pressure of a trial until God removes it at His appointed time and even cherish the benefit.
The testing of faith drives believers to deeper communion and greater trust in Christ, qualities that in turn produce a stable, godly and righteous character
God intends those trials will drive believers to greater dependency on Him, by showing them their own inadequacy. No wonder he is calling us to prayer in verse 5. The call to ask for wisdom is for the wisdom to navigate through the trials.
That in the midst of trials a believer ought to pray. And Prayer must be offered in confident trust in a sovereign God. No wonder the call to ask in faith (Verse 6).There is a warning of not having full trust in the Lord. That even if you ask you will not receive (7)
Verses 9-11: At first sight, these verses may seem unrelated to the larger theme of life’s trials. Yet money is a common cause of trials and “double-mindedness” (unreliability). James is teaching us here to adopt a non-materialistic worldview. The point James is pointing us to is for both the rich and the poor trials make all believers equally dependent on God and bring them to the same level with one another by keeping them from becoming preoccupied with earthly things.
It is also important to note that God expects us to persevere patiently and stand firm under trial. He promises to reward faithful endurance. How is this shown? by holding to the saving faith in God.
The trials (of verses 2-12), cannot be avoided (external trials/ persecutions), so believers are encouraged to endure them, and mature as a result. The temptations (of verses 13-15)- (they come due to our own sinfulness), must be avoided, according to scriptures.
In verse 13-18; James invites us to see there is some temptations that brought about by our own sin/ lustfulness and we ought not blame God for our own sin but rather we ought to take responsibility.
In verse 19 downwards; James calls professing believers to be “doers,” emphasizes that their entire personality should be characterized in doing. The invitation of being doers of the word is to be promptly lest we forget what God is requiring of us. Someone said, “slow obedience is disobedience.” May the Lord help us to be prompt in trusting and responding to his word.
What are we to learn in James chapter 1?
- Recognize that persecution is a part of every believer.
- Trials/ persecution are not to destroy our faith rather to build it.
- We ought to fully trust in God in the midst of our trials.
- Even in trials our saving faith will be preserved.
- We ought to deal with sin that easily entangles us to avoid being tempted by our lustfulness.
Listen to the song: What a Friend we have in Jesus (Hymn) and pray.
Day Two: Faith without works? (James 2:1-13)
Verse 1-13 is on partiality.
Thoughts on partiality
First, that partiality shows inconsistency in one’s conduct as a Christian verse 4.
Secondly that partiality is more than an error in judgment; it is an act of sin. Verse 5
Thirdly, that partiality provokes God’s judgment (verses 12-13).
There sems to have a problem where even among the people of faith, the poor are disregarded and the wealth regarded highly. James is saying in God’s sight the rich and the poor are to be treated equally.
James wants us to know that under the drive for partiality is our own sinfulness. Verse 9. And if we show partiality, we are hypocrites and nothing makes that believer different from a non-believer.
The general call is that the body of Christ is not for the privileged few but for both materially poor and the rich. It’s for all that call on the name of the Lord.
James further wants us to see that a person who shows no mercy and compassion for people in need demonstrates that he has never responded to the great mercy of God, and as an unredeemed person will receive only strict, unrelieved judgment in eternal hell verse13.
How can we say, we are believers and show partiality like the unbelievers?
No wonder James then wonders in verse 14
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?
Friends, James is not doubting that salvation is by faith alone. Far be it. James main concern is once faith comes to you – and he would agree, it is by grace – it is by faith alone. It is a gift of God; that you receive the gift of faith – okay; but once it is there, you have to do something with it if it is genuine. It has to be followed by good works. If you really received it, it is going to change everything.
How does it look like to produce good deeds?
It looks like not showing partiality
It looks like dressing a fellow believer who comes to you with a need of clothing and not sending them away.
It looks like feeding a fellow brother who is hungry. Surely, just telling them to be filled will not fill that empty place in their stomach. To wish them well, without giving them a coat to warm with will not keep them warm. We must put action to our wishes. Feed them and clothe them, and then wish them well, and you will have done something.
Is James asking us to be philanthropists? No, he is asking us to display the gospel to our fellow believers by practically attending to their needs. How else will do we show the world we love and care for each other if not when we attend to each other needs?
The point James is driving home the possible evidence of true faith is works (2 Peter 1:3-11).
Friends, Faith saves us, but the works are a by-product of our faith. Now that we are saved, let us produce the good deeds.
- H. Spurgeon, once said: Faith that does not change your behavior will never change your destiny.
What are we to learn?
- James is calling us to not just be mouthing over our faith, the greater call is actually to live it out and produce fruit. It is the only way to show that we are truly people of faith.
Day Three; Taming the Tongue (James 3:1-18)
What does James points us to?
That the tongue has immense power to speak sinfully, erroneously, and inappropriately, human speech is a graphic representation of human depravity. Is your tongue a display of your sinfulness or do you use it for the glory of God?
James points also to the thought that a tongue controlled by God can cause the whole body to follow God.
Words we speak affect those around us. If we speak evil, we will stir up strife among others. If we speak soothing words, the fire of hate and anger will be extinguished.
The mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart, it more so reveals to the world where we stand with God.
To say we are Christians is not enough. We must become Christlike, to truly be Christians. We are to live by his example in our character. When He was persecuted, He blessed. If our heart is truly stayed upon God, there would be no evil proceed from our mouth.
There are many who profess Christianity who is not truly sold out to Christ. We are what we are in our inner man. The heart of man is the determining factor.
This is just saying, your life and your speech will reveal to those around you, who you are in Christ. You don’t have to brag to others about your faith in God, let your character speak. Those who truly have a wonderful relation with Christ do not need to brag but rather ought to be exemplified by how live.
James argues that jealousy and selfish ambitious is not of the Lord but of the devil. Self-centered wisdom that is consumed with personal ambition is not from God. It defines a harsh resentful attitude toward others. James invites us to consider heavenly wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. The wisdom that would help us to consider others better to ourselves.
What Lessons can we learn?
- We are to use our tongue to be a blessing to others rather than curse them. True Christianity should be marked by our godly character towards others. Are you using your tongue to serve God’s people or are you using it to destroy them?
- We are to seek after heavenly wisdom and cease from selfish worldly wisdom; that seeks after the ruin of others.
Day Four; Resist worldliness (James 4)
Having quarrels among believers (verse 1)
Coveting what you don’t have ending up killing. Lack of contentment
It looks like praying for a thing to fulfill personal lusts/ passions or for gratifying the flesh rather than seeking it for good of others and for the glory of God.
It looks like loving the world more than we love God. It may be characterized by our worldly passions.
It looks like walking in pride. Failing to recognize and trusting God to be the only hope to the perishing world.
How can we conquer the world?
Firstly, is in God giving more grace. The only ray of hope in man’s spiritual darkness is the sovereign grace of God, which alone can rescue man from his propensity to lust for evil things. That God gives “greater grace” shows that His grace is greater than the power of sin, the flesh, the world, and Satan (the real enemies of believers.) James 5-6.
Secondly, it is in submitting ourselves to the Lord. A willing, conscious submission to God’s authority as sovereign ruler of the universe. A truly humble person will give his allegiance to God, obey His commands, and follow His leadership
Thirdly, it is in resisting the devil. it is within the willpower of every believer to resist the devil and the temptations that he puts before him by God’s grace. Every believer has to play the role, where the Spirit prompts us to stop, we ought to, where he prompts us to run, we ought to. We have to resist the devil at all cost. John Owen famously wrote, “Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you.”
Fourthly, is by drawing near to God. Pursue an intimate love relationship with God. The more we draw to God the more we flee worldliness. Pray, read his word, keep in the fellowship of believers.
Fifthly, cleanse your hands and purify your heart. Cleansing the hands symbolizes external behavior; while purifying our hearts refers to the inner thoughts, motives, and desires of the heart.
Sixthly, Mourn of your own sinfulness. Have a genuine sorrow of your own sinfulness. God will not turn away a heart broken and contrite over sin.
Seventh, do not speak evil over fellow brothers. Love them, care for them, extend grace to them.
Eighth, trust in God over your plans.
What are we to learn?
- Loving the world is hating God. We have to fully trust in his saving grace that he would rescue us from our own sinfulness. It is in trusting God alone that he would help us to conquer the world by his grace.
Day Five: How then do I live as a believer? (James 5)
Secondly, God’s people are to endure any form of persecution for the Lord. Realizing the glory that awaits them at Christ’s return should motivate believers to patiently endure mistreatment.
Thirdly, God’s people are to be patient and long for the coming of the Lord. James exhorts those about to collapse under the weight of persecution to shore up their hearts with the hope of the second coming.
Fourthly, God’s people are not to grumble over their circumstances but rather rest in the promises of God.
Fifthly, God’s people are not to swear falsely. Let there Yes be Yes and No be No.
Sixthly, God’s people are to pray when they are confronted by hardships and they are to praise the Lord in all circumstances.
Seventhly, God’s people are to confess their sins one to another. Mutual honesty, openness and sharing of needs will enable believers to uphold each other in the spiritual struggle.
Eighthly, God’s people are to continue fervently in prayer and not praying for their needs alone but also those of others. The effectual fervent prayer just means that we are earnestly seeking God.
Ninthly, God’s people are to have faith in God even as they pray.
Tenthly, God’s people are to look out for their brothers who have wandered away from faith and bring them back to faith.
What lesson do we learn?
Maturing in faith is a journey. We ought to trust fully in God to sanctify us in all truth. We ought also to work out our salvation fully depending God and walking in accountability to others.
Main idea of the book: Real faith in Jesus produces Authentic deeds.
Do you have a real faith in God and do your faith bear the gospel fruit? Do we see fruit,
- In how you trust in God in trials and temptations?
- In taming your tongue?
- In taking care of the needs of other believers and using your resources to serve them?
- In how you treat others?
- In rejecting worldliness?
- In how you live Christian life?
May the Lord help you and me to be the salt and the light of the world. Amen.
Wow thanks for the timely word that our faith is strengthened by the trials we go through. What a timely word and indeed what a friend we have in Jesus
Thanks KUCUAF for this timely word!!! I am inspired as I go through a tough season with my friend being unconscious in ICU for 2 Nd week now.
Great exposition, I am blessed!
Powerful. Am blessed
Such a challenge especially at a time when we feel that the word of God is impractical. We have to build a life that its audio is in sync with the video.